We filmed another title sequence pride in pens.
We filmed Amanda in her room next to a mirror also panning her walls which are full of pictures, the interview was good so we did'nt need to rerecored it again and we began to think about how the interview with luke should look.

We filmed luke in his bathroom,we filmed cutaways of his hair, makeup and products and then began to interview him, finding out that the interview of Luke wasn’t good enough as the mise-en-sence was not good so we filmed him again. This time filming him in his bedroom keeping the same cutaways as before.
we filmed him once again, in the bathroom once more, filming more cutaways of his tattoos and percings, finding the interview to be good.

We logged it and then orginised going to liscard to film some vox pops.
We went to liscard and set up a camera and asked passers by to answer the question, Can you name the seven deadly sins? this was for our vox pops. We got promission to film inside Boots in the makeup isle and also did a panning shot of Amanda's house. After this we logged it and began organising the interview with the hairdresser.
A member of my group took a camera home to film little bits of extra pieces for the documentary, she filmed some makeup being dropped on a bed and her putting makeup on.
We had trouble trying to contact a hairdresser as the one we already had backed out at the last minute, we finally managed to find a salon to film in which we were given promission by the owner to do whatever we wanted with, so we filmed some cutawatys, someone getting thier hair washed, someone getting thier hair cut, a hairdresser answering the phone, someone drying there hair, products , someone sweeping up and many more.

After filming the cutaways we filmed a junior hairdressers and asked he quesions about her job and looking good.

We decided to film a fire for open sequance after deciding that we thought fire suggests danger and so do sins, so since i have a fire i volenterd to film my fire.

We printed out picures off of the internet and stick them to a wall infont of black paper and filmed them.

we also filmed a fellow studants scrolling though mens beauty products and recorded this for the documentary to.

We recorded of internet websites.

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