Illness, celebs, schools, fashion, business, websites, countrys, music, movies, race, war, pregnancy, beauty, nature, poverty, alcohol, animals , recession, teenagers, media, Saturday jobs, cars, diets, diets, diabilities, children, relationships, history, discovery, helplessness, sterotypes, pass times, eggs, anorexia, homelessness, chocolate, Wallasey, 6th form, clubbing, moblie phones, murder, money, drinks, family, hair, nails, bikes, bears, babies, disorders, fish, Egypt, books, roads, tables, pens, pictures, cinema, life, shy, sex, crime, nature disasters, health. Then we were asked to write out a list of random words and read them out we got : laptop, make up, shoes, bags, McDonalds, hiccups, parks, Wales, love, hate, dresses, Liverpool, pink, working, excise, take always, dolphins, bubble gum, nobbly bobbly, English, kisses, hugs, pencils, jewelly, onomatopoeias, photography, face book, texting, TV, drama, sweets, sleep, dog, boyfriend, sport, my bed, piercing, 7 seven sins, tattoos.
In the afternoon we started task 2, we were put in our documentary groups, and my group decided to do, the seven deadly sins, we decided to concintrate on pride ( superia) ‘ pride always comes before a fall’ however it would be a series.
7 deadly sins:
Pride is considered the source from which others arise. ‘ Story of Lucifer, he became too self obsessed and fell from heaven’.
Voice over : Mr Bottom
Target audience: 16-25
Channel 4, Monday, 9pm
Title: The seven deadly sins ‘ pride always comes before a fall’.
Continued research on possible interviewees and possible content for the documentary.
Audiance research
We discussed possible questions for our audience research which is in the form of a questionnaire, we decided as a group to categorise our questions as general questions, the subject of the documentary questions: 7 deadly sins, football, work, culture. We Finally completed the questionaire.
Seven deadly sins: pride
Are you male or female?
Male Female
Please tick your age group
12 - 16 ™ 17 - 20 ™ 21 - 25 ™ 26 -30 ™ 31 + ™
What is your occupation?
What is your favourite colour?
What is your favourite genre of music?
R&B ™ Pop ™ Garage ™ Hip Hop ™ Indie ™
What is your favourite song at the moment
Can you name the 7 deadly sins?
What sin best describes you?
Why do you think this is?
Would you consider plastic surgery?
Yes ™ No ™
How often do you wear makeup?
Never ™ Everyday ™ Weekends only ™ 1 - 2 working days ™ 3 - 5 ™
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
How much do you spend on beauty cosmetics? (please specify monthly)
Were would you chose to shop out of these shops?
Oxfam ™ Primark ™ George ™ New Look ™
Topshop/Topman ™ River Island ™ Cult ™ Saints & Sinners ™
What Football team do you support?
Do you own?
Football shirt ™ football kit ™ season ticket ™
Do you have any football related tattoos?
Yes ™ No ™
How long have you supported your football team?
Would you consider yourself a football fanatic?
Do you enjoy your job?
Yes ™ No ™
Would you like to progress further in your job?
Yes ™ No ™
How long have you been at your current job?
Less than a month ™ 1 - 3 months ™ 4 - 6 months ™ a year ™ more than a year ™
If more than a year please state how long
What do you consider yourself?
British ™ English ™ Welsh ™ Scottish ™ Irish ™ Other ™
If other please state
Would you consider yourself to be proud of your culture?
Yes ™ No ™
Each member of my group took ten questionnaires home adding up to thirty questionnaires and asked people to fill them out.
Results of the audiance research
What is your gender?
Female: 21 Male: 9
Looking at these results we can see that the vast majority of people we interviewed is female, this can influence the findings a lot and therefore be biased towards the female gender.

Looking at this graph we can see that the majority age group we interviewed was 17-20 this is the right age group for our target audience.

Looking at this graph we can see that ‘Student’ was the most popular occupation. This is to be expected because our target audience is 16-25 year olds and a lot of people within this age group are at college.

Looking at this graph we can see that blue was the most popular colour, we will therefore use this a lot for my backgrounds for interviews etc.

RnB is the most popular type of music, closely followed by rock. we will therefore use these genres for the background music in my documentary. This will give us a better chance of appealing to our target audience.

Most people could name the 7 deadly sins however, the vast majority were confused with the correct name for example they would say “jealousy” instead of envy. Also, most people thought gluttony and greed was the same thing. The most common sin people acknowledged was pride, this gives us an idea of the publics awareness of the seven deadly sins and seeing as though we are starting the series off with pride, a lot of the people already have an insight of what it is.

Looking at this graph I can see that ‘Sloth’ was the most popular 7 deadly sin. However, every sin has at least one person who relates themselves to it. This helps us to be in touch with the audience as at least one episode of the whole series will associate themselves with one sin.
Why does this sin best describe you?
Gluttony: “I love food”
Envy: “I get jealous of people far too easily” X2 , “I always want what other people have got”X2
Wrath: “I can’t control my temper sometimes”
Pride: “I like how I look”, “I take pride in my appearance”
Greed: “I always want new things”X2
Sloth: “I’m far too lazy” X3 “I can never be bothered when it comes round to it”
Lust: “because I’m sexy”
We can see that a lot of the people I interviewed admitted that they are ‘too lazy’.

Looking at this graph we can see that the most popular song at the moment is Jason Mraz – I’m Yours. This gives us an idea for music that will make the documentary current. We have discussed these results and have decided that we may use Katie Perry – Hot n Cold
Would you ever consider plastic surgery?
Yes:13 No:17
I can see that the majority of people we asked would not consider plastic surgery and this therefore indicates that they are proud of how they look.

This graph shows that the majority of people wear make up everyday. However, the majority of the people we interviewed were female. Therefore this will undoubtedly influence the amount of times people wear make up. Looking closely at this graph, we can see that we asked 9 boys however only 7 people answered to not wearing make up every day. Therefore there must be at least 2 boys who do wear make up. This is something interesting to talk about in our interview.

Looking at this graph we can see that the majority of people we interviewed take half an hour to get ready in the morning. We can see that one person takes 2 hours everyday to get ready. This is very interesting and we are going to interview this person and ask why it takes them so long.

we can see that a lot of people would spend around £25 a month just on cosmetics. This may seem a lot to some people and therefore indicates that people care a lot about their appearance and are willing to spend a vast amount on cosmetics.

Looking at this graph we can see that a lot of the people we interviewed prefer to shop in Primark. Also we can see that, most people prefer to shop in high street.

Looking at this graph we can see that a lot of people answered with Premier League football and that the majority of people support Liverpool. This is because of the region we asked in – North West.

I can see that the majority of the people I interviewed own a football shirt, and only 2 people own a season ticket this may be because football season tickets are very expensive at around £400. Also even though we asked 9 men at least 3 women own either a football shirt or football kit or both, this is breaking the tradition of the views of football and who it is supported by.
Do you have any football related tattoos?
Yes: 3 No: 25
I can see that almost all of the people I interviewed do not have a football related tattoo. This may be because a lot of the people we interviewed are under the age to have a legal tattoo.

we can see that the vast majority of people who have supported their football team were ‘forever’ this indicates that a lot of the people are very proud of their football team.
Do you consider yourself a football fanatic?
Yes: 5 No: 25
We can see that the vast majority of people would not consider themselves football fanatics this may be because a lot of the people we interviewed were female.
Do you enjoy your job?
Yes: 11 No: 8
We can see that the results are virtually 50/50
Would you like to progress further in your job?
Yes: 12 No: 7
Looking at this I ca see a lot of people would rather progress further in their job. They may therefore not be proud of what they work as, and would rather become something better.

Looking at this graph we can see that people have been at their job for more than a year, this may indicate that they are proud of their job if they are willing to stay there for more than a year.

we can see that more people consider themselves British. However, some consider themselves English and this may indicate that they are proud of England and would prefer not to be associated with the rest of Britain i.e. Wales, Ireland and Scotland. The fact that some people prefer to be only associated with England and not Britain has underlying racist overtones. However we have decided not to make our documentary too focused on the issue of race.
Are you proud of your culture?
Yes: 20 No: 3
I can see that almost all of the people I have interviewed are proud of their culture.
Possible interviewees researched:
Dr James English: 5 star rated plastic surgeon with 28 years of experience, living in Texas.
Gok Wan: fashion super stylist, self esteem guru, has had tv shows devoted to fashion on channel4
Katie price: celebrity that gets botox
Botox for men: Simon Cowlle
Botox can be used to reduce underarm sweating
Danni Minogue: addicted to botox
Football fans
Looking in the yellow pages, to find clinics that do botox as it is becoming more and more common.
Dr Andrew Webber: offers a wide range of advanced medical cosmetic procedures.
The group then gathered up all the results from the questionnaires and collated them into graphs.
We asked around for interviewees. We asked a girl and a boy that filled in the questionnaire and another girl that is in the profession of hairdressing. For all of them we decided to film them in their bedroom and the boy also, in the bathroom. We decided to film cutaways as well, we thought of possible music, such as ‘your so vain’ by Carlene Simon and ‘bodies’ by Robbie Williams. We decided to film the voxpops in Liscard, shopping centre asking people if they could name the seven deadly sins.
After doing this we produced a running ourder.
Making the beginning 5 minutes precisely 5 minutes.
Running Order
Montage of public trying to guess seven deadly sins – 20 seconds
Opening titles – 20 seconds
Montage of memorabilia: people wearing make up, football shirts, magazines while voice over introduces topic, pride – 30 seconds
Fast motion P.O.V up escalators and make up aisles with title appearance - 10 seconds
Interview with Debenhams worker – 60 seconds
Camera follows shopper around clothes shop whilst she is talking – 30 seconds
Cutaway of fast motion of someone putting make up on and taking it off again – 5 seconds
Collage of low angle of public walking in town (blurred out) statistics over this – 20 seconds
Low angle of Manda’s house panning upwards while Manda starts talking – 5 seconds
Recording Manda putting make up on in mirror – 10 seconds
Slow pan across walls of photos – 5 seconds
Ask her to take make up off. Reaction – 5 seconds
Cutaway to punk video while narrator introduces how different genres of music has challenged the public view of make up on men – 10 seconds
Close up of Luke putting fingers in gel – 2 seconds
Close up of him placing gel in hair for Mohican – 3 seconds
Interview with Luke – 30 seconds
Camera pans around face, extreme close up of eyeliner while he talks over
Cut away to archive material of football fans at a match showing the positive side of football with a voiceover (30 seconds)
Cut to archive material of news clips and riots showing the negative side of football with a voiceover (30 seconds)
Interview starts over archive material (5 seconds)
Cut to interview with as ‘football fanatic’. Mise-en-scene: at home in front room making it look homely and feminism creating juxtopotion of image to environment (1 minute)
Voxpop asking which football team people support (30 seconds)
Archive material of ‘soccer AM’ (Skills school) people showing off their football skills (30 seconds)
Cut to interview with young children on football pitch talking about why they love football and showing their football skills (1minute 30seconds)
Interview with a pro-footballer about their experience of being a footballer (1minute 30seconds)
Interview with a person who is proud of their job -1min
Interview with person who does voluntary work at homes shelter
Follows them to work- 2mins
Interview with the people the person helps- 30s
Montage of British flags, cup etc- 10s
An establishing shot circling around the Queens palace- 20s
Interview with a proud brit in their home with all there British memorabilia, stuff like plates with the Queens head, British flag etc, explaining why they are so proud to be British. -1min 30sec
Interview with Olympic medallists. Why they are so proud to present Britain in the Olympics. 1 min
We also produced a final proposal.
Formal Proposal
Seven Deadly Sins: Pride
We will be creating a series of seven programmes on each ‘sin’; starting with Pride.
Type of Documentary:
Mixed Documentary
Style of Documentary:
Our style will be entertaining and informative, but informal on the different aspects of Pride.
Channel and scheduling:
Monday at 9pm, on Channel 4
Target Audience:
16 - 25
Primary Research needed:
Interviewees will be Plastic surgeon, Football fans, Debenhams workers at a makeup counter, Debenhams worker will be interviewed at a makeup counter. Other interviewees will be Amanda Hillis, who will be interviewed in her bedroom, at her mirror and Luke in his front room, which will show a contrast between his punk image and his ordinary home.
Secondary Research needed:
Websites on seven deadly sins. ‘Seven’, Books on seven deadly sin, plastic surgery
Narrative Structure:
Non-linear. Closed narrative, single strand
Outline of content:
Chapters showing different ways a person can be proud. Vanity, football fans, nationality, work. With interviews with people who could represent each part of the sin.
Resource Requirements:
Computer, Adobe premiere, Photoshop, Video camera, Tripod, Microphone.
We produced a storyboard of the title sequence, for the interviews we were going to film including the mis-en scene and the framing we then worked together and came up with interview questions for the interviews we then completed a production schedule
Interview Questions
Amanda Hillis:
On average how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
What is your morning routine?
Why do you wear makeup?
Would you ever leave the house without makeup? Why?
How much do you spend on beauty cosmetics a month? Why?
Do all of your friends wear makeup?
Who is your idol? Why?
When did you begin to start wearing makeup and why?
Would you take your make up off?
Are you proud of the way you look?
Interview questions Luke:
1. How long does it take you to get ready in the mornings?
2. Can you take us though your daily routien?
3. How often do you wear makeup?
4. Why do you wear make up?
5. How much do you spend on cosmetics?
6. What cosmetics do you usually buy?
7. How much do you spend on clothes?
8. Where do you usually shop?
9.How often do you dye your hair?
10. How many piercings do you/ have you had?
11.How many tattoos do you have?
12. Why do you paint your nails?
13.What made you get tattoos and piercings?
14.How old were you when you got your first tattoo and piercing?
15.Do you like they way you look?
16. Tell us what your family think about the way you look?
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