Codes and Conventions of a print advert
- One strong key image
- Words kept to a minimum
- Slogan
- Channel logo (prominent)
- Scheduling

Our first idea for the print advert was a young girl with makeup running down her face, howver we believed that this focuced more on pride then actually telling the audiance that it was a series of documentaies on each sin. We made a list of all the things that could be associated with danger or sins. Eventually we decided on a poison bottle with drips of poison coming out with the name of each sin inside then making Pride the biggest as its the first in the seires and moulding it together with the time, day and channel it would be on.

We added golden syrup and red food colouring in a cup and mixed them together, this made the poison.

We then dripped it onto the page making sure that it ended in a drop shape to symolise the drops of poison that we would later photoshop and doublicate

We then dripped it onto the page making sure that it ended in a drop shape to symolise the drops of poison that we would later photoshop and doublicate.After we all worked together to make the drop of posion we all split into separat priorities, one member was in charge of the print advert, one was in charge of fixing the documentary and i was in charge of the radio tralior.
I began coming up with things that would work in the tralior.

After class a member of the group printed off a piece of paper with xxx7 printed in it, then soaking it in tea and dring it under the dryer she stick it onto the old medican bottle and took some pictures in differnt angles.
Codes and conventions of a Radio tralior
- Extracts from the programme are used
- Voice over- outlining the narrative and posing questions outlined in the programme
- Channel name- last thing you hear
- Scheduling
- Music (aural cue)- gives a hint of the tone and the content
When i had finished with the help of another member of my group we disscussed how we could make it better and more professional.
we came up with this
We then choose who would be our voice over, we decided on a middle aged woman, we found a teacher that fitted the requirements and a member of our group took her into the ice radio recording studio and they recorded the voiceover and the radio tralior.
(whispers) greed, envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth, lust … pride
We’re all guilty of carrying out at least one sin everyday, a lot of the time without even realising it.
This upcoming month, a new series of documentaries dives deep into the depths of each sin and explores just how deadly they are.
Starting with the sin from which all others arise. Pride is the excessive belief in one's own abilities.
What’s your poison?
Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, starting May 10th on 4
After this we edited the trailer in Adobe Premier Pro, using the slicing tool we cut the trailer into the pieces we needed. we then emurged it all together so it flowed adding voice clips of the interviews from the documentary. We also included the slogan ' whats your poison' the date, time and the channel last following the codes and conventions of a radio trailer advert, By copying and pasting all the whisperd bits in the trailer we managed to create an echo effect to the trailer. After this we put 'Bodies' by Robbie Williams underneath lowering the volume so the voice over could be heard to show the connection between the documentary and the trailer.
After doing this we came up with the voice over, with the help of our teacher we got it right and sounding professional. 00.38.11: Pride the mother of all sins. But just how proud is modern day Britain? Whether it’s not daring to leave the house without guy-liner or fighting in your football teams honour. We examine just how proud is too proud? They say pride comes before a fall.
(15 seconds)
Manda explains the pressure put on young girls to wear make up for school and generally everyday life.
For some people, wearing make up is part of there job description.
In a recent survey, we discovered make up is becoming more common for men.
We then edited the voice over into the documentary, we timed the gaps in the documenary and the voice over this helped us determine what we could put into the documentary. After we did this we decided to add a montage of images, displaying to the audiance the different types of pride that we experiance. We gathered the pictures off the internet and then a member of our group filmed them to make the qualirty of the picture better. Adding them into the documentary.

The teacher then watched it, he gave us a few corrections to make and more vocie over ideas, we then asked the women we choose for our voice over if she would record a few more things for us and then set to work on the corrections that were set.
When we had finished all the corrections that the teacher advised to us, our teacher burned the documentary, and radio tralior onto a CD.
We then used one of our lessons for audiance feedback.
(15 seconds)
Manda explains the pressure put on young girls to wear make up for school and generally everyday life.
For some people, wearing make up is part of there job description.
In a recent survey, we discovered make up is becoming more common for men.
We then edited the voice over into the documentary, we timed the gaps in the documenary and the voice over this helped us determine what we could put into the documentary. After we did this we decided to add a montage of images, displaying to the audiance the different types of pride that we experiance. We gathered the pictures off the internet and then a member of our group filmed them to make the qualirty of the picture better. Adding them into the documentary.

The teacher then watched it, he gave us a few corrections to make and more vocie over ideas, we then asked the women we choose for our voice over if she would record a few more things for us and then set to work on the corrections that were set.
When we had finished all the corrections that the teacher advised to us, our teacher burned the documentary, and radio tralior onto a CD.
We then used one of our lessons for audiance feedback.
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